Summer in Shanghai

Summer in Shanghai

Writers from Prague in Shanghai

Tree, Point, Pasta, Masker, Tron, Skart, Cryptic 257 are leading Czech new media and street art artists. In summer 2010, they were given an opportunity to present their creative works at the world exhibition at Shanghai. Their vision of the city of the future became a formal part of the Czech Republic exhibition pavilion. A documentary called Summer in Shanghai describes the installation of the exhibition and their stay in China.

Length: 40 min., Year: 2010


  • camera, direction: Saša Dlouhý
  • editing: Jakub Voves
  • music: Ondřej Skala aka Ježíš táhne na Berlín
  • sound: Václav Flégl
  • animation: Jan Zajíček
  • production: freeSaM
Summer in Shanghai